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Meadowbrook PTO

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For up-to-date information about the Meadowbrook PTO, please visit and LIKE our Facebook page.

Get Involved!

The Meadowbrook PTO enhances student experiences and the learning environment with many important programs. From special lunch for students to fund-raisers to enhance classroom resources and family events, we are an active bunch.

Volunteer, pay dues

Sign in on Meadowbrook PTO website to volunteer, pay dues and purchase spirit lunches and spirit items.

Stay Connected

Meadowbrook has a dedicated PTO website ( to keep you informed of important dates, events, and programs; and to house various PTO documents such as committee reports, newsletters, and PTO-relevant forms. 

Meeting Dates

Meadowbrook’s PTO is open to all families of our Meadowbrook community.  PTO Meetings are generally the second Wednesday of the month at 9 a.m. 
(No meeting in December)

Order Marla's Lunch


2024-25 PTO Executive Board

Co-President -Kristine Lewis & Kate Sweas

Vice President - OPEN

Treasurer - Devon Henniger

Communications Secretary - Vee Chetty-Miller

VP Room Parents - Shirley Singh

VP Fundraising - Alina Pitman

VP Programs - Katie Diegel & Sara Downing

Recording Secretary -Alexandra Delis

Website Coordinator - Daya Levin

Contact the PTO