Who We Are
What are we Learning?
The library program curriculum is based on four standards as determined by Illinois Standards Aligned Instruction for Libraries. These standards are aligned with both the Illinois Learning Standards and the American Association for School Librarians Standards.
I-SAIL Standards
- Standard 1: Accesses information efficiently and effectively to inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
- Standard 2: Evaluates information critically and competently to draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.
- Standard 3: Uses information accurately, creatively, and ethically to share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.
- Standard 4: Appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information and pursues information related to personal interests and aesthetic growth.
What are our Resources?
The LRC has many resources for all of our patrons. We have over 10,000 materials including picture books, easy readers, chapter books and nonfiction books. There is a sizable reference collection mainly available through our online resources as well as subscriptions to both popular and educational journals and magazines. We also have a growing collection of digital audiobooks and ebooks which can be accessed though our library catalog or the Destiny Discover app for Apple or Android.
What kind of Center are we?
Our center is one in which all students and staff are welcome at any time throughout the day. We use both a fixed and flexible schedule. Kindergarten - second-grade students have a fixed library time once a week. This time is used for either an information literacy or literature lesson and book checkout. Third-grade students have both a fixed library time and flexible scheduling. Third graders come to the library once every two weeks, for an information literacy lesson and book check-out. Fourth and fifth graders have mostly a flexible library schedule as we acclimate them to a more needs-based library program that they will experience at the junior high and beyond. They also have library time as scheduled by their classroom teacher to work on curriculum-based research projects where advanced research skills are taught. The library is open for students to come in to check out books, read, conduct research, or seek help at any time throughout the school day with their teacher's permission.